A lot of people write their blog daily, but do not realize they are sitting on a goldmine. Hobby-Blogger could be a serious second income from his blog, if she knew how.
The Internet marketing expert, Dave Ouverte said "I forgot my blog 3 years and I just quit my dayjob work full time on Internet marketing, blogs, in the heart of my operation.
During this period of job layoffs and credit crisis more and more people on the Internet for an alternative source of income and Blogging is the least expensive way to start. "
In the past, many people fear for the technical aspects of Internet sales, but with the arrival of Web 2.0 site like Squidoo and Hubpages and freedom, such as blog sites WordPress.com blogger.com and now it is quite simply the man to build an online presence.
But a blog, and is ongoing, is one thing, visitors and money that traffic is another perspective.
Thus, Dave Ouverte together over 100 top Internet service providers to donate a gift to an event online. The idea was the monetization of training and the generation of traffic, the masses of the blog. And what is more, they decided to donate their best fresh produce.
Preferences sources of income are blog:
Google AdSense - so that the Google ads on your blog in exchange for payment, if someone clicks on a link
Banner advertising - people pay for a banner to your blog. This is typical for people as experts in their field.
Affiliate marketing - either by writing comments on your blog, or by using affiliate programs, which provides you with links and banners for your blog.
U.S. building - providing a gift, or e-newsletter to your blog, you can name and e-mail some of the visitors, then advertising for other products in the future .
They will, however, about the money from your blog, you are increasingly discovering new revenue streams and to learn different techniques.
Michael Jackson Legacy
14 years ago
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